Friday, January 21, 2011

The President's Job Council Gets a Makeover

Makeover shows are all the rage in America…now the President has jumped into the act.

Today, President Obama announced he is revamping his job council by appointing GE Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt as the new chair to the council. It will be named the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. No word yet on whom else will serve on this council. The current chair is former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volker who is said to be stepping down next month according to an Associated Press story.

According, Mr. Obama said, "We still have a long way to go, and my number one priority is to ensure we are doing everything we can to get the American people back to work.”

The President added that many businesses have created new positions, but still too many American’s are not working!

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that as of December 2010, 14.5 million American’s were unemployed, which is down from 15.2 million a year ago. That means some 556,000 people landed a job. The December unemployment rate is down to 9.4 percent. 

So Dear Job Hunter wants to know what you think of this “makeover” and whom you think should be on this council?

Finally…is all of this a little too late?