Monday, June 14, 2010

Headhunters at Work: DO NOT DISTURB

From the mailbag...

Looks like Dear Job Hunter inspired a fellow blogger.

When I first reached out to LinkedIn to find out how its members can search for a new job while keeping their current boss from finding out, LinkedIn hooked me up quickly! Several of its chosen members, who work with the media on LinkedIn's behalf, were in touch with me...and continue to follow up...thank goodness!

That Dear Job Hunter blog post, LinkedIn, Locked and Loaded...But Don't Hit That Send Button, inspired blogger Joseph Higginbotham of "Higginbotham At Large".


The question you asked Linkedin is one that I’ve gotten so often that I decided to go ahead and write a blog post about it.

From Joseph Higginbotham

Joseph took the angle of Headhunters, and whether or not its a good idea to contact one while looking for a job.

The answer is in my headline...NO...leave them alone.

Seems as though, headhunters only want to work with those who aren't actively looking for a job. They prefer to reach out to those who fly under-their-radar and have their nose to the grindstone.

So if reaching out to headhunters doesn't sound like the most effective route to take while job hunting...maybe you have a little birdie tell a huntheader you are!!!

To check-out more of Joseph's blog click here. Thanks Joseph, I enjoyed working with you.

For my readers, please remember to post your comments here and tell us what your biggest challenge is in YOUR job search.

If you prefer to comment privately please email me at


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